The Daeger family had its roots in Catholic Bavaria at the town of Unterpleichfeld, near the city of Wuazburg. The family immigrated to the United States in 1847 on the sailing ship Albert to settle in the hard woods of southern Indiana. It was the grandson Casper Daeger who answered an ad of the German Catholic Settlement Society for homestead and arrived first in Rosthern in 1903. Casper was driven out by Peter Britz to view his land near what is now Watson only to find his land was under water. He later filed on the present homestead at Muenster, North West Territories.
Casper began to work at the monastery for the next three years. He frequently drove the team when priests went out to missions for Masses or funerals and made many trips to Rosthern in 1903-04 for lumber and supplies until the railway arrived in 1904.
Casper married Barbara Mueller in 1908. They had two children, Joseph and Anne, who are the last remaining Daegers in Canada.
The bottom family section of the window features a rosary. The Angelus, the Rosary and the Litany of Our lady have been the daily prayers of the family since childhood and continue to this day. Pink, yellow, red and peach roses are also featured in the bottom panel.
The second panel from the bottom displays lilies. Both lilies and roses flourish around the home of the Daeger’s. In the church, white lilies represent the transfiguration of Christ and are a symbol of Easter. White lilies also represent innocence and the Virgin Mary.
There are many symbols of peace throughout the window. In the second panel is the script “Peace to all who enter here.” The top symbol of the dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit and peace. The olive branch the dove has in its beak also symbolizes peace.
The remaining panels include natural elements including an olive tree, paths, trees and grass.
Installation Date: January 19, 2010