In 1905, August and Kunigunda Wassermann arrived in Muenster to homestead on a farm north of town. They were both born in Germany and had moved initially to Pittsburgh, PA where they were wed before deciding to head north to Saskatchewan and be part of St Peter’s Colony. They raised 4 children: Molly, Fritz, Edwin and Sr Loyola. The family endured all the hardships of pioneer life but also enjoyed the socializing and camaraderie of neighbors and friends so common in those days. August along with another carpenter, Theodore Fleskes, were the lead carpenters in the construction of this beautiful cathedral. In their retirement years, August and Kunigunda could be seen making their way across the field in a cutter or buggy pulled by their horse Duke to attend morning mass. August and Kunigunda died in 1935 and 1940 respectively and are buried in St Peter’s Cemetery.
Their children went on to lead active lives in Muenster and beyond. Amelia (Molly) married Herman Meyer and they farmed north of Muenster. They raised two daughters; Cloty (Leo Meschishnick) and Eleanor (Bill Kotelko). Ferdinand (Fritz), who never married, served in the Canadian army and then came home to farm. Edwin married Mary Loehr and they farmed on the homestead. They raised seven children; Wilbert (Kathy Thiemann), Annette (Benno Muench), Roman (Marian Angeli), Ken (Phyllis Porter), Loyola (Eugene Frank), James (Teresa Kurjata) and Rose (Lyle Haeusler). Clothilda joined the Ursuline community in Bruno and chose the name, Sister Loyola OSU; she was a well respected teacher and served for 6 years as the General Superior of the community.
The window depicts many themes that were important to August, Kunigunda and their descendants regarding their family, community and their faith.
The t op panel shows a fish; it was one of the first symbols of the early Christian church because it was a common food and used by Jesus during his ministry. Fishing was also one of the favorite pastimes of the family.
The central panel shows evergreens surrounding this cathedral which is very near and dear to the family since August was a lead carpenter in its construction and all descendants have attended numerous family masses, baptisms, weddings and funerals in the cathedral. In the background, are the fields that depict the farming profession that provided livelihood for many of our descendants. The yellow lilies and purple pansies were favorite flowers with the family and represent the talents of the many gardeners who grew beautiful and prosperous gardens. Finally, the flowing river, which in Christian Symbolism depicts cleansing or baptism, has a special connection to the Wassermann name as the English translation of the German name is ‘water man’.
The bottom panel’s sides contain wheat plants which are the Christian symbols for ‘believers’ as well as being an important crop of the many descendants who farmed. In the bottom center is a carpenter which was the profession shared by Jesus’s father, Joseph and the skill that August brought to Muenster to share with his descendants and the entire community through the construction of the cathedral.
All descendants of August and Kunigunda are very appreciative of all of the time, work and financial contributions provided by the volunteers, Committees and members of St Peter’s Parish in restoring this beautiful cathedral back to its original beauty and structure so it can continue to be the centre piece of this Parish for ours and future generations.
Installation Date: 21 May 2011
Blessing Date: 22 July 2013